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CD)「SK∞ エスケーエイト」オリジナルサウンドトラック(SVWC-70517)(2021/02/24発売)

CD)「SK∞ エスケーエイト」オリジナルサウンドトラック(SVWC-70517)(2021/02/24発売)

通常価格 ¥3,850
通常価格 ¥3,850 セール価格 ¥3,850
セール 売り切れ
テレビ朝日系アニメ『SK∞ エスケーエイト』のオリジナル・サウンドトラック。劇伴曲のほか、HIGH and MIGHTY COLORのユウスケが歌う「Seize the Moment!!」をはじめとした劇中歌を収録している。


(1)SK∞~Main Theme~
(2)New Beginning
(3)Prebattle Time
(4)"S"(The Higher Dimension)
(6)Rise Quietly
(7)That’s OLLIE!!
(8)Too Good to be
(9)New Friendship
(10)Overthrow the King
(11)"S"(The Eyes of Insanity)
(12)Fateful Partner
(13)Calm Night
(14)Easy Target
(15)Lonely Skate Boy
(17)"S"(The Hype)
(18)Possibility to be There
(19)When I’m with you
(20)Run away!!!
(21)"S"(The Evolution of Speed)
(22)Get Desire
(23)The Darkness of the Depths
(24)Retreat Battle
(25)"S"(The Big Breaks)
(26)Memory of Boyhood
(27)Quiet Regret
(1)Wisp of Smoke
(2)Change our Lives
(3)The Executioner(Part1)
(4)The Executioner(Part2)
(5)Step Like a Marionette
(6)"S"(The Shoot through the Future)
(8)Warrior’s Rest
(9)Gap in the Heart
(10)Passing Hearts
(12)Enter the Battlefield
(13)Dance of the Philos
(14)Cracked and Flamed
(15)"S"(The FINAL Call)
(16)Last Snowflake
(17)The Way of Thaw
(18)Seize the Moment!!
(19)Dimensions of the Wind
(20)Seize the Moment!!(Reki ver.)
(21)Dimensions of the Wind(Langa ver.)

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